Swim Meet This Weekend - Click here for pool availability

Pool Rules

General Rules:

1. All patrons have the right to a safe and hospitable environment while visiting the Aquatic Centre.

Inappropriate or aggressive behaviour toward Aquatic Centre staff or other patrons will not be tolerated. Patrons who engage in such behaviour will be asked to leave the facility immediately.

If a patron violates a facility rule, they will receive a verbal warning for the first offense. A second offense will result in the patron being asked to leave the facility.

The following behaviours are strictly prohibited and may result in immediate removal from the building and/or membership cancellation, depending on the severity of the act:

2. No Cell Phone Use in Pools or Hot Tubs: Active cell phone use is not permitted in the pools or hot tubs.

3. No Photography or Video Recording: For the safety and privacy of all patrons, taking pictures or videos is strictly prohibited anywhere in the facility. Cameras, camera phones, and any unauthorized use of cameras within the facility are not allowed.

4. No outdoor footwear permitted on the pool deck to ensure a clean environment.

5. Proper Swim Attire Required: Patrons must wear clean swimwear, such as a bathing suit or swim shorts, when on the pool deck, in the pools, hot tubs, sauna, or steam room.

6. No excessive public displays of affection. This is a family-friendly facility.

7. Food, drink, gum, and glass, are prohibited anywhere on the pool deck, including in the pools, hot tubs, sauna, and steam room.

NOTE: There are inflatable assistive devices that may be used for therapeutic purposes. A therapist or support worker is permitted to use an inflatable assistive device.


All pools:

1. No running on the pool deck: For safety reasons, running is prohibited as the pool deck can become slippery when wet. Walking helps prevent injuries.

2. No chewing gum while swimming: Chewing gum poses a choking hazard while swimming.

3. No swimming with open sores/wounds: Rule established by Department of Health for public health and safety.

4. No hanging on lane ropes: Lane ropes are not designed to support weight and are costly to repair.

5. No public in equipment rooms: Patrons must request items from equipment rooms to allow staff to monitor pool equipment and ensure safety by restricting access to potentially hazardous areas.

6. (Applies to Fun Swims Only)… No mats or flutter boards in the deep end: mats or flutter boards create blind spots and are not made to support inexperienced swimmers. 

7. No rough play: Activities such as climbing on shoulders or wrestling are prohibited to prevent injuries.

8. Supervision of children under 8: Children under 8 must be accompanied by a swimming adult and remain within arm’s reach at all times. This rule applies even if the child is wearing a lifejacket, as a lifejacket does not replace active adult supervision.

9. Lap swimming only in designated lanes: No playing in lap swimming specific lanes. Signs at ends of lane show what each lane is for (fast, medium, leisure, pool jogging). (Further details on ‘Lap Swimming Etiquette’ can be found here.)

10. Proper use of flutter boards: Flutter boards are for exercise or training purposes only and are not a replacement for lifejackets. Patrons may not stand on, throw, or splash with flutter boards.

11. No standing on mats or jumping onto mats: Standing on mats is prohibited as it may cause falls, leading to injuries or collisions with others or the pool wall.

12. No hiding underneath mats: Patrons can get stuck beneath the mats and be blocked from coming up for air.

13. No inflatable supports: Inflatable supports can deflate and no longer work as a support.

14. Only sport snorkels allowed: Children are not allowed to use snorkels as a toy. Snorkels may be used if under supervision from an adult for snorkel practice or fitness purposes.

15. No breath holding competition: Breath holding can be dangerous and cause shallow water blackouts if not done properly.

16. No diving in shallow end: No diving in the shallow area of competition pool (shallow end adjacent to bulkhead) or leisure pool.

17. No swimming under bulkhead: Creates blind spot and there is a risk of getting stuck under the bulkhead.

18. No walking on the bulkhead: The bulkhead must remain clear of traffic so lifeguards can cross unimpeded.

19. (Applies to Fun Swims Only)… No balls, as they are too difficult to control in a busy area.


Diving Area:

1. One person on the board at a time: Second person can be put off balance on the board when the other person is jumping.

2. Jump straight of the board: Do not jump towards the wall or other diving boards. Risk of hitting the wall or others using the diving boards.

3. No climbing down the 3m board or tower/slide: Stairs can be slippery and tricky to navigate down. If a patron must go down, they must be accompanied by the float guard.

4. After jumping, patrons must swim directly to the 18m lane rope before heading to the side of the pool. This rule ensures they avoid swimming in front of others using adjacent diving boards. Patrons should swim to the bleacher side after jumping from the diving boards and to the equipment room side after jumping from the tower.

5. No dangerous tricks *including sitting on the board: public swims are not an appropriate time to try a new trick for the first time.

6. No lifejackets allowed on 3m or Tower: If the lifejacket fits incorrectly the patron can get severely hurt when jumping off the tower or 3m diving boards (e.g., dislocate shoulder) or slip out of the lifejacket.

7. Lifejackets on the 1m Diving Board:

8. No double bouncing on the board. Patrons must jump off the board after one jump.

9. During weekday evening or daytime swims where diving boards are available:

*Both above rules are allowed in controlled situations at the lifeguards discretion*



1. No hanging on the bridge, wall between pools, or slide supports: This action poses a risk of slipping and potentially hitting the pool edge, as well as blocks traffic.

2. No climbing over or jumping off the wall between upper and lower leisure: Wall has sharp rocks that could cause cuts or injury.

3. No mats in the lazy river area of the leisure pool: Mats create a blind spot that takes up the whole width of the river making it hard to see if anyone is under the mat.

4. Noodles, flutter boards, and mats are not to be used as weapons: Patrons may use the floatation devices to float and move around but are not to hit each other or excessively hit the water with them. This damages the equipment and can be hazardous to other patrons.


Tots Pool:

1. Adults must supervise children: Adults must be in the pool with the children in the pool.

2. No mats or flutter boards: Only small toys are allowed in the Tots pool.

3. No cell phones in Tots pool area: For the safety of the children, parents/guardians must remain attentive and engaged at all times. Use of cell phones is not permitted in the Tots pool area.



1. Must go down feet first: Patrons cannot go down head-first as it can cause a head/spine injury.

2. Do not go down on stomach: Risk of hitting shins while exiting the slide.

3. No running start: Patrons can slip while running leading to severe injury.

4. Only one patron at the top of the blue slide at a time: Only one patron is allowed at the top platform of the blue slide at a time. This ensures they will not go down early.

5. No swimmers in the landing area of the slide: On the blue slide parent/guardians may catch their child, all other swimmers must avoid the landing zones. Landing areas must be clear prior to next swimmer going down the slide.

6. No stopping on the slide: swimmers must be fair to fellow swimmers and not stop on the slide.

7. No lifejackets on the yellow slide: Patrons must be a strong swimmer to use the yellow slide.

8. Only one person on the slide at a time.

9. FOR BLUE SLIDE ONLY: Parents or guardian may go down with child. Guardian accompanying the child must be tall enough to comfortably touch at the slide landing.


Tarzan Rope:

1. Swing straight out and drop: Swimmers may not swing back to the side, as it can be dangerous to them and others.

2. One person at a time: Patrons can fall on each other which can lead to injuries. User must ensure landing zone is clear before going.

3. No climbing up the rope: The pool is not deep enough to jump from high heights. Patron can also get rope burn or get hurt by hitting the knot at the bottom of the rope.

4. No lifejackets on rope: Lifejackets can get caught on the rope. The users of the rope should be strong enough swimmers to be able to swim back to the side after letting go of the rope.

5. No catching someone off the rope: The individual catching the person letting go of the rope can get hurt from someone falling onto them.


Hot Tubs:

1. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the hot tub unless accompanied by an adult. No one under the age of 18 is permitted in the adult hot tub.

2. No more than 12 persons in the hot tub at one time.

3. No bathing caps or lifejackets: These prevent the patron from dissipating heat and can lead to over heating. Please remove jewellery as well, as it becomes extremely hot.

4. No playing in the hot tubs: The hot tubs are not for playing.

5. After exercising, allow pulse to return to normal before entering the hot tub.

6. 10 minutes maximum exposure recommended to avoid overheating.


Steam Room:

1. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the steam room. They have trouble dissipating heat.

2. No more than 12 people are allowed in the steam room at one time.

3. A maximum of 10 minutes exposure is recommended to avoid overheating.

4. After exercising, allow pulse to return to normal before entering the sauna.

5. Please remove jewelry, bathing caps, etc., as it becomes very hot in the steam room.

6. There are no objects allowed in the steam room. This includes water bottles, ice, towels, etc. Lifeguards will ask you to remove any objects before entering.

7. Please stay clear of vent, as hot steam shoots out and is extremely hot.

8. Do not put cold water on the sensor inside room.

9. There is no shaving permitted in the steam room. Please use sinks provided in changing rooms.

WARNING: Pregnant women, or individuals suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, diabetes, or other health conditions, should not use the steam room. Anyone with health concerns should consult their physician prior to using the steam room.



1. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the sauna.

2. No more than 6 persons in the sauna at one time.

3. Please remove jewelry, bathing caps, etc. As it becomes very hot in the sauna.

4. After exercising, allow pulse to return to normal before entering the sauna.

5. A maximum of 10 minutes exposure is recommended to avoid over heating. Monitor time in sauna carefully.

6. Please do not touch the rocks or heating element.

WARNING: Pregnant women, or individuals suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, respiratory problems, diabetes, or other health conditions, should not use the steam room. Anyone with health concerns should consult their physician prior to using the steam room.


Swimming Lessons Rules:

1. Lesson participants are only permitted in the water during their scheduled lesson time. Participants may enter the water with the instructor at the beginning of the class and must leave the water when the instructor ends the class.

2. To ensure safety and privacy, parents/guardians are prohibited from taking photos or videos before, during, or after the lesson.

3. Parents/guardians are asked to remain seated on the bleachers or near the wall during lessons. Parents/guardians may not hover over classes during the lessons. This blocks the deck space and can be distracting to the participants and instructor.

4. Only lifeguards and swim instructors are permitted to enter any equipment rooms or storage areas.

5. All participants and their parents/guardians are expected to adhere to the Aquatic Centre’s general rules and policies.

6. Inappropriate or aggressive behaviour toward Aquatic Centre staff or other patrons will not be tolerated. Patrons who engage in such behaviour will be asked to leave the facility immediate