Swim Meet This Weekend - Click here for pool availability

Conditions of Use:

Drop-In Leisure Swimming

Everyone is welcome to lap swimming during all of our regular operating hours as well as the use of on deck facilities: hot tubs, sauna and steam room. Water joggers are also welcome at most times except during large rentals or during program times. During Swimming Lesson times, pool access may be restricted to the use of lap lanes only. These restrictions help us maintain the quality of the teaching environment for our Learn to Swim Program. Pool and multi-purpose room availability is posted each week at our Front Desk

Code of Conduct

All participants at the Centre are deserving of a safe and hospitable environment to enjoy during their visit. The following types of behaviour will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the building and membership cancellation depending on the severity of the act: Physical assault, disruptive behaviour, sexual or racial abuse, abusive language, fraud, damage or theft within the facility and the sale or use of alcohol or drugs. No one is allowed to use the CGAC Centre to conduct business except by authorization of the General Manager.

Service Animals Accommodation Policy

Any animals allowed to enter the Canada Games Aquatic Centre facility must meet the criteria for “Service Animals”, as outlined by the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.

For further clarification, aside from “Service Animals”, no other animals shall be permitted to enter the facility inside or outside of operational hours.

Note: Service Animals require medical documentation as verification of their status.

General Pool Information

Family Change Huts

Smoke-Free / Scent-Free Building Policy

Our entire facility is a smoke-free / scent-free building. We kindly ask that facility entrances be kept clear and not used for smoking. “No scents is good sense.” Please refrain from using scented products in our facility.
Members and general users of the Centre must abide by the rules and regulations set-up by the CGAC. The CGAC reserves the right to update and modify any regulation, policy or procedures as necessary within the operation of the Centre. All changes will be posted and made available at our Front Desk.

Lap Swimming Etiquette

When we work together, lap swimming can be a wonderful experience for all levels of need and fitness and enhances the aquatic experience for all patrons. Smile and enjoy your workout.

Number of People in a Lane: Several people (as many as 8 or more), can fit in a lane if proper etiquette is observed and swimmers of like speed are together.

Lane Speed: It is very important to swim in a lane with other swimmers of similar speed. As you face the pool from the shallow end, the fastest lane is in the middle, and the slowest lane is on the outside. Fast and slow are relative terms, so take some time to observe the swimmers in the pool and take your best guess as to where you should swim.

Lane Designations

Entering the Water
